ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

Development Lifecycle

This section provides an overview of the stages in using the ChorusOS operating system to develop an application or system. It provides a high-level summary of the tasks described in the ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide.

Installing ChorusOS

This section provides a brief overview of the installation process. For full information, see the ChorusOS 5.0 Installation Guide.

Installing the Development Environment on the Host

After installation is complete, the Sun Embedded Workshop software provides a development environment containing all the binary components required to build a ChorusOS operating system image. To create a system image for a particular reference target board, follow the instructions in Part II of the ChorusOS 5.0 Installation Collection.

Setting up a Boot Server

A boot server is a system that provides the ChorusOS operating system image for downloading to target systems. A boot server is useful if you want to make the same image available to many targets. To install an instance of the ChorusOS operating system on a boot server, follow the instructions in the ChorusOS 5.0 Installation Guide. The system where you installed the development environment can be used as a boot server.

Building and Booting on a Target System

When you have created an instance of the ChorusOS operating system you require, including embedded applications, and built a system image, you need to boot it on the target system. There are several ways to do this, including:

Developing an Application

Configuring the System Image

When you develop an application, you must make sure that the instance of the ChorusOS operating system that the application will run on contains the optional components your application requires. For example, if your application uses semaphores, you must include the SEM option. See Appendix A, Optional ChorusOS Operating System Components for information about optional components of the ChorusOS operating system.

Writing an Application

The ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide explains the following:


When your application is written, you can create a performance profile to check for possible performance improvements. Creating a performance profile will help you to optimize the application's use of the ChorusOS operating system. See "Performance Profiling" in the ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide and "Configuring and Tuning" in the ChorusOS 5.0 System Administrator's Guide

Developing a System

Information about advanced programming topics is not provided in this book.