ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

Actor Definition

An actor is the unit of loading for an application. It serves also as the encapsulation unit to associate all system resources used by the application and the threads running within the actor. Threads, memory regions and communication end points are some examples of these resources. These are covered in detail in the ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide. All system resources used by an actor are freed upon actor termination.

Some resources, known as anonymous resources, are not bound to a given actor. These must be freed explicitly when they are no longer required. Examples of anonymous resources are physical memory, reserved ranges of virtual memory, and interrupt vectors.

The ChorusOS operating system is dedicated to the development and execution of applications in a host-target environment where applications are developed, compiled, linked, and stored on a host system and then executed on a reference target board where the ChorusOS operating system is running. When configured correctly, the ChorusOS operating system offers convenient support for writing and running distributed applications.

Within the ChorusOS operating system environment, an application is a program or a set of programs, usually written in C or C++. In order to run, an application must be loaded on the ChorusOS runtime system. The normal unit of loading is called an actor and is loaded from a binary file located on the host machine. As with any program written in C or C++, an actor has a standard entry point:

int main()
 /* A rather familiar starting point, isn't it? */

The code of this type of application will be executed by a main thread that is created automatically by the system at load time. The ChorusOS operating system provides means to create and run more than one thread dynamically in an actor. It also offers services that enable these actors, whether single-threaded or multi-threaded, to cooperate, synchronize, locally or remotely exchange data, or get control of hardware events, for example. These topics are covered step-by-step in the ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide.

An actor can be of two types: either a supervisor actor or a user actor. These types define the nature of the actor address space. User actors have separate and protected address spaces so that they cannot overwrite each other's address spaces. Supervisor actors use a common but partitioned address space. Depending on the underlying hardware, a supervisor actor can execute privileged hardware instructions, such as initiating an I/O, while a user actor cannot. See "User and Supervisor Actors".

Note -

In flat memory, supervisor and user actors share the same address space and there is no address protection mechanism.

Binary files from which actors are loaded can also be of two types: either absolute or relocatable. An absolute binary is a binary where all addresses have been resolved and computed from a well-known and fixed basis that cannot be changed. A relocatable file is a binary that can be loaded or relocated at any address.

Both user and supervisor actors can be loaded either from absolute or relocatable binary files. However, common practice is to load them from relocatable files to avoid a static partitioning of the common supervisor address space, and to allow the loading of user actors into this space in the flat memory model. This is covered in detail in "User and Supervisor Actors".