ChorusOS 5.0 System Administrator's Guide

rtsol and rtsold

The rtsold daemon sends ICMPv6 router solicitation messages on specific interfaces. The rtsold daemon sends only one router solicitation message to the specified interface and exits.

Configuring the ChorusOS operating system for IPv6 router solicitation:
  1. Configure the ChorusOS IPv6 stack to accept IPv6 router advertisements:

    host% rsh target sysctl --w net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1

  2. Send a router solicitation message on the ifeth0 interface. An IPv6 router on the network should answer with a router advertisement message.

    host% rsh target /sbin/rtsolifeth-0

For further information see rtsold(1M) man page. See also the icmp6(7P) and ip6(7P) man pages.