ChorusOS 5.0 System Administrator's Guide

Configuring a ChorusOS Operating System Image

Open a Configuration File

The first operation is to open a ChorusOS configuration file (unless the -c option was used on the command line). For this, select the Open option in the File menu. A file selection dialog allows you to select the configuration file to open. The configuration to open is the conf/ChorusOS.xml file located in the configuration directory. Once opened, a new configuration item can be added to the navigation tree.

Note -

More than one configuration may be opened in Ews at the same time.

Browse the Configuration Tree

It is possible to browse the configuration by opening the elements in the navigation tree. There are two general kinds of elements in the tree: folders and variables. Folders are used to organize the configuration variables into hierarchical groups. A folder contains child elements that can be variables or folders. Variables are values used to configure the ChorusOS operating system image.

Disabled Elements

Some of the elements in the configuration tree may be grayed-out and cannot be edited. It is still possible to browse them, however. For example, some variables may depend on the presence of a specific feature: if this feature is not selected, and its current value is set to false, the corresponding tunables are disabled.

Disabling of elements in the configuration is controlled by a condition. This is an optional property attached to some elements, and if the condition is evaluated to false, the element is disabled (elements without a condition property are always enabled). If a folder is disabled, all its child elements (folders and variables) are also disabled.

Invalid Elements

A configuration is invalid if there are one or more invalid elements in the configuration tree.