ChorusOS man pages section 2K: Kernel System Calls
  • M
    • mkStatActorMem(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatActors(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatActorSvPages(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatCpu(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatEvtCtrl(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatEvtWait(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatMem(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatSvPages(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatThreadCpu(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • mkStatThreads(2K)- Microkernel statistics
    • monitor(2K)- initialize a monitor; acquire a monitor; release a monitor; wait within a monitor for notification; notify a thread waiting within a monitor; notify all threads waiting within a monitor
    • monitorGet(2K)- initialize a monitor; acquire a monitor; release a monitor; wait within a monitor for notification; notify a thread waiting within a monitor; notify all threads waiting within a monitor
    • monitorInit(2K)- initialize a monitor; acquire a monitor; release a monitor; wait within a monitor for notification; notify a thread waiting within a monitor; notify all threads waiting within a monitor
    • monitorNotify(2K)- initialize a monitor; acquire a monitor; release a monitor; wait within a monitor for notification; notify a thread waiting within a monitor; notify all threads waiting within a monitor
    • monitorNotifyAll(2K)- initialize a monitor; acquire a monitor; release a monitor; wait within a monitor for notification; notify a thread waiting within a monitor; notify all threads waiting within a monitor
    • monitorRel(2K)- initialize a monitor; acquire a monitor; release a monitor; wait within a monitor for notification; notify a thread waiting within a monitor; notify all threads waiting within a monitor
    • monitorWait(2K)- initialize a monitor; acquire a monitor; release a monitor; wait within a monitor for notification; notify a thread waiting within a monitor; notify all threads waiting within a monitor
    • msgAllocate(2K)- allocates a message from a message space
    • msgFree(2K)- free a message of a message space
    • msgGet(2K)- retrieves the first message of a message queue
    • msgPoolStat(2K)- get the statistics of a message pool
    • msgPut(2K)- post a message to a message queue
    • msgQueueStat(2K)- get the statistics of a message queue
    • msgRemove(2K)- remove a message from a message queue
    • msgSpaceCreate(2K)- create a message space
    • msgSpaceOpen(2K)- open a message space
    • mutexGet(2K)- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex
    • mutexInit(2K)- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex
    • mutexRel(2K)- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex
    • mutexTry(2K)- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex