ChorusOS man pages section 2K: Kernel System Calls
  • R
    • rgnAllocate(2K)- allocate a region in an actor address space
    • rgnDup(2K)- duplicate an actor address space
    • rgnFree(2K)- deallocate regions of an actor address space
    • rgnInitFromActor(2K)- allocate a region in an actor address space and initialize it from another region
    • rgnMapFromActor(2K)- create a region in an actor address space and map another region to it
    • rgnSetInherit(2K)- Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change paging options associated with a region; Change opaque values associated with a region
    • rgnSetOpaque(2K)- Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change paging options associated with a region; Change opaque values associated with a region
    • rgnSetPaging(2K)- Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change paging options associated with a region; Change opaque values associated with a region
    • rgnSetProtect(2K)- change protection options associated with a region
    • rgnStat(2K)- get the statistics of a region of an actor address space
    • rtMutexGet(2K)- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex
    • rtMutexInit(2K)- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex
    • rtMutexRel(2K)- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex
    • rtMutexTry(2K)- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex