ChorusOS man pages section 3STDC: Standard C Library Functions
 calloc -- main memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 cgetcap -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetclose -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetent -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetfirst -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetmatch -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetnext -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetnum -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetset -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetstr -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 cgetustr -- capability database access routines ( Index Term Link )
 clearerr -- stream status inquiries ( Index Term Link )
 closelog -- control system log ( Index Term Link )
 crypt -- trapdoor password encryption ( Index Term Link )
 ctime -- transform binary date and time value to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 ctime_r -- Transform binary date and time value to ASCII; Reentrant version ( Index Term Link )
 ctype -- classify characters ( Index Term Link )