ChorusOS 5.0 Installation Guide

Uninstalling With the pkgrm Utility

To remove part or all of the product from the host workstation, use the pkgrm(1M) command line utility.

Note -

To use pkgrm, you must know the superuser password for your system.

Uninstalling With the pkgrm Utility
  1. See the appropriate ChorusOS 5.0 Target Family Guide for the complete list of packages available for your host/target combination.

  2. Verify that the packages you want to remove are installed:

    $ pkginfo | egrep "(Sun Embedded Workshop | ChorusOS)"
  3. Become superuser and remove packages using pkgrm:

    $ su
    Password: superuser_password
    # pkgrm package_name

Note -

Even after all packages are removed, a few HTML files such as README.html and RELEASE.html remain in install_dir. Remove these HTML files manually.