ChorusOS 5.0 Installation Guide

Setting Up TFTP Services

The TFTP service allows the target system to obtain a ChorusOS system image from the boot server at boot time.

Note -

Due to network limitations in the TFTP, you may encounter difficulties when downloading large system images through TFTP.

Do not download images larger than 16 MB.

To Set Up TFTP Services
  1. Create a /tftpboot directory on the boot server--unless it already exists:

    $ ls /tftpboot
    /tftpboot: No such file or directory
    $ su
    Password: superuser_password
    # mkdir /tftpboot
    # chown user:group /tftpboot
    # exit
    $ chmod 664 /tftpboot

    The preceding commands allow user and group to write system images and boot configuration files to /tftpboot.

  2. To enable TFTP services as part of normal system initialization, remove the comment character, #, from the TFTP daemon line in /etc/inetd.conf on the boot server:

    tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
  3. To start the TFTP daemon on the boot server, restart inetd:

    $ su
    Password: superuser_password
    # ps -aef | grep inetd
        root   pid     1  0   Dec 15 ?        0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd -s
    # kill -1 pid
    # exit