ChorusOS 5.0 Debugging Guide

Using the System Debugging Tools

This section describes the use of the Insight GUI and of GDB for debugging ChorusOS systems.

Starting Insight for System Debugging

Before starting Insight for system debugging, ensure that the debug agent is running on the target system and that the debug server is connected to it.

The name of the Insight executable differs according to the target platform and takes the form target-type-chorusos-gdb. Thus, depending on the platform, type one of the following to start Insight:

Note -

By default, the Insight GUI is started when you start GDB.

To Connect to the Target
  1. Select File -> Target Settings.

  2. Select ChorusOS System Debug from the Target list.

  3. In the Target name field, type the target name, as registered in the debug server.

  4. In the Chserver host field, type the name of the host on which the debug server is running.

    If the chserver uses the default slot, type chserver_host_name.

    If the chserver does not use the default slot, type chserver_host_name:slot-id.

  5. Click OK to save the target settings.

  6. Select Run -> Connect to target.

Once you have connected to the target successfully, the symbols for all components of your system image are automatically loaded. The connection is complete when the message Successfully connected is displayed.

Note -

If you recompiled the microkernel from source after enabling symbolic debugging, the target stops executing and the line of code on which it stops is displayed in the Source Window when a successful connection is made.

Figure 3-2 Application Source Window


Using the Run button or selecting Run -> Run will reboot your ChorusOS target. You can also reboot your target using the Run command in the View -> Console window.

Selecting Run -> Connect to target before setting your target causes the Target Selection window to be displayed automatically.

Starting GDB for System Debugging

Before starting GDB for system debugging, make sure that the debug agent is running on the target and that the debug server is connected to it.

The name of the GDB executable differs according to the target platform and takes the form target-type-chorusos-gdb. Thus, depending on the platform, type one of the following to start GDB:

Note -

By default, the Insight GUI is started when you start GDB. To start GDB without the Insight GUI, you must include the --nw option.

If GDB is not started on the same host as the debug server, and the CHSERVER_HOST is not set or is incorrectly set, set the host with the following command:

(chgdb) set chserver host_name [:slot-id]

where host_name is the name of the host on which the debug server is running and the optional slot-id is the occupied slot.

Connect to the target using the target chorusos target_name command, as indicated in the example below:

(chgdb) target chorusos target_name

When GDB is connected to the target, load the symbols for all the components of your system image as follows:

(chgdb) chload-symbols

Once you have started GDB and connected to the target successfully, the system is stopped, usually in the clock interrupt handler. The debugging session follows the standard GDB debugging process. For more information on this process, see Debugging with GDB.

Caution - Caution -

Using the run command at any point will reboot your ChorusOS system.