Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide

How to Set Terminal Concentrator Port Parameters

This procedure explains how to determine if the port type variable must be set and how to set the variable.

The port type parameter must be set to dial_in. If the parameter is set to hardwired, the cluster console might be unable to detect when a port is already in use. The port type parameter must be set to Y.

  1. Find the Sun label on the top panel of the terminal concentrator.

    Figure 2-7 shows the Sun label.

  2. Examine the serial number to see if it is in the lower serial number range. The serial number consists of 7 digits, followed by a dash and 10 more digits.

    • If the numbers after the dash start with 9520 or higher, the port type variable is set correctly. Skip to Step 4.

    • If the numbers after the dash start with 9519 or lower, you must change the port type variable. Proceed to Step 3.

    Figure 2-7 Determining the Terminal Concentrator Version


  3. Using an administrative console, change the port type variable by setting the port parameters, then reboot the terminal concentrator as shown in the following example.

    The boot command causes the changes to take effect. The terminal concentrator will be unavailable for approximately one minute.

    admin-ws# telnet tc_name
    Trying terminal concentrator IP address 
    Connected to tc_name
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Rotaries Defined:
        cli                              -
    Enter Annex port name or number: cli
    Annex Command Line Interpreter  *  Copyright 1991 Xylogics, Inc.
    annex: su
    Password: password (default password is the terminal concentrator IP address)
    annex# admin
    Annex administration MICRO-XL-UX R7.0.1, 8 ports
    admin : set port=1-8 type dial_in imask_7bits Y
      You may need to reset the appropriate port, Annex subsystem or
            reboot the Annex for changes to take effect.
    admin : set port=1-8 mode slave
    admin : quit
    annex# boot
    bootfile:  <return>
    warning:   <return>

    Note -

    Ensure that the terminal concentrator is powered on and has completed booting.

  4. Verify that you can log in from the administrative console to the consoles of each node.

    For information on how to connect to the nodes' consoles, see "How to Connect to a Node's Console Through the Terminal Concentrator".