Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide

How to Reset a Terminal Concentrator Port

When a port on the terminal concentrator is busy, that is, in use by a user, you can reset the port to disconnect that user. This procedure is useful if you need to perform an administrative task on the busy port.

A busy port returns the following message when you try to connect to the terminal concentrator.

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

If you use the port selector, you might see a port busy message. See "How to Correct a Port Configuration Access Error" for details on the port busy message.

  1. Connect to the terminal concentrator port.

    # telnet tc_name

    Specifies the name of the terminal concentrator

  2. Press an extra Return after making the connection and select the command-line interface to connect to the terminal concentrator.

    Enter Annex port name or number: cli
  3. Type the su command and password.

    The default password is the terminal concentrator's IP address.

    annex: su
  4. Determine which port to reset.

    The who command shows ports that are in use.

    annex# who
  5. Reset the port that is in use.

    annex# admin reset port_number
  6. Disconnect from the terminal concentrator.

    annex# hangup

    You can now connect to the port.

Example--Resetting a Terminal Concentrator Connection

The following example shows how to reset the terminal concentrator connection on port 2.

admin-ws# telnet tc1
Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Enter Annex port name or number: cli
annex: su
Password: root_password
annex: who
Port			What			User			Location					When			Idle			Address
2			PSVR			---			---					---			1:27
v1			CLI			---			---					---
annex# admin reset 2
annex# hangup