Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide

How to Reset StorEdge A3500 Configuration

Caution - Caution -

This procedure creates a default logical unit number (LUN) that removes all LUN configuration. All LUN configuration and associated data will be lost on the LUNs you remove.

  1. Migrate all Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) tables, data services, and volumes off of the LUNs you want to remove.

  2. If a volume manager does not manage any LUNs on the StorEdge A3500 you want to reset, proceed to Step 3. Otherwise, run the appropriate Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager commands to remove the LUN(s) from any diskset or disk group.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.

  3. On one node, reset the StorEdge A3500 configuration.

    For the procedure for resetting StorEdge A3500 configuration, see Sun StorEdge RAID Manager User's Guide.

    Note -

    The RAID Manager 6.x graphical user interface does not consistently display Solaris logical device names. Use the format command to verify Solaris logical device names.

  4. Using the format command, specify the Solaris logical device name, then label the new LUN 0 disk.

  5. On all nodes, run the scdidadm command to remove all obsolete DIDs.

    # scdidadm -C
  6. One at a time, boot each node.

    # boot -r

    LUN 0 receives a new DID.