Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Relationship Between Resource Groups and Disk Device Groups

Sun Cluster has the concept of a node list for disk device groups and resource groups. These node lists are ordered lists of nodes that are potential masters of the disk device group or resource group. Associated with the node list is a failback policy. This policy describes the action to be taken when the node that masters the disk device group or resource group (the primary) leaves the configuration and later rejoins-that is, whether the disk device group or resource group is once again mastered by the primary when it rejoins the cluster.

To ensure high availability of a failover resource group, make the group's node list match the node list of any associated disk device group. For a scalable resource group, the resource group's node list cannot always match the device group's node list because, currently, a device group's node list can contain exactly two nodes only. For a greater than two-node cluster, the node list for the scalable resource group can have more than two nodes.

For example, assume you have a disk device group dg-schost-1 that has nodes phys-schost-1 and phys-schost-2 in its node list and the failback policy is set to Enabled. Assume you also have a failover resource group, rg-schost-1, which uses dg-schost-1 to hold its application data. When you set up rg-schost-1, also specify phys-schost-1 and phys-schost-2 for its node list and set its failback policy to True.

To ensure high availability of a scalable resource group, make the group's node list a superset of the node list for the disk device group. Doing so ensures that the nodes that are directly connected to the disks are also nodes that can run the scalable resource group. The advantage is that, when at least one node connected to the data is up and in the cluster, the scalable resource group is running on those same nodes, making the scalable services available also.

For information on setting up disk device groups, refer to the Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide. For more details on the relationship between disk device groups and resource groups, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 Concepts document.

SUNW.HAStorage Resource Type

The resource type SUNW.HAStorage serves the following purposes:

Note -

If the device group is switched to another node while the SUNW.HAstorage resource is online, AffinityOn has no effect and the resource group does not migrate along with the device group.


To determine whether to create SUNW.HAStorage resources within a data service resource group, consider the following criteria:

See the individual chapters on data services in this document for specific recommendations.

For the procedure on how to set up SUNW.HAStorage, see "How to Set Up SUNW.HAStorage Resource Type for New Resources". Additional details are in the SUNW.HAStorage(5) man page.