Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide


You install and configure OPS by using the procedures in the Oracle documentation. Although OPS is not registered with or managed by the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager (RGM), it depends on the RGM to query cluster information.

You can configure OPS to use the shared disk architecture of Sun Cluster. In this configuration, a single database is shared among multiple instances of OPS that access the database concurrently. Conflicting access to the same data is controlled by means of the Oracle UNIX Distributed Lock Manager (UDLM). If a process or a node crashes, the UDLM is reconfigured to recover from the failure.

In the event of a node failure in an OPS environment, you can configure Oracle clients to reconnect to the surviving server without the use of the IP failover used by Sun Cluster failover data services. This failover process is described in the Sun Cluster 3.0 Concepts document.In an OPS environment, multiple Oracle instances cooperate to provide access to the same shared database. The Oracle clients can access the database by using any of the instances. Thus, if one or more instances have failed, clients can continue to access the database by connecting to a surviving instance.