Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing Volume Management Software

Two possible configurations for Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Parallel Server disks are:

How to Install Volume Management Software

If you are using VxVM, you must first install and configure the VxVM software on the cluster nodes. For details, see the VxVM appendix in the Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide and your VxVM documentation. A separate license is required for VxVM cluster operations; the Oracle documentation describes the licensing requirements.

Caution - Caution -

Failure to install the VxVM cluster license correctly might result in a panic if OPS support is installed without VxVM functioning properly. Prior to installing the OPS packages, run the vxlicense check command to ensure that a valid cluster license is installed.

If you are using the Sun StorEdge A3x00 with hardware RAID support, you have no volume management software to install. In that case, you must install RAID Manager software for A3x00.