Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Add a Node to a Resource Group

To complete this procedure, you must supply the following information:

Also note the following:

  1. Display the current node list and the current list of NAFO groups configured for each resource in the resource group.

    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i nodelist
    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i netiflist

    Note -

    The output of the command line for nodelist identifies the nodes by node name; the one for netiflist identifies them by node ID.

  2. Update netiflist for the network resources affected by the node addition.

    This step overwrites the previous value of netiflist, so you must include all NAFO groups here. Also, you must input nodes to netiflist by node ID. To find the node ID, use scconf -p.

    # scrgadm -c -j network-resource -x netiflist=netiflist

    Changes a network resource.

    -j network-resource

    Specifies the name of the network resource (logical host name or shared address) being hosted on the netiflist entries.

    -x netiflist=netiflist

    Specifies a comma-separated list that identifies the NAFO groups on each node. Each element in netiflist must be in the form of NAFO-group-name@nodeid.

  3. Update the node list to include all the nodes that can now master this resource group.

    This step overwrites the previous value of nodelist so you must include all the nodes that can master the resource group here.

    # scrgadm -c -g resource-group -h nodelist

    Changes a resource group.

    -g resource-group

    Specifies the name of the resource group to which the node is being added.

    -h nodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of nodes that can master the resource group.

  4. Verify the updated information.

    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i nodelist
    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i netiflist

Example-Adding a Node to a Resource Group

This example shows how to add a node (phys-schost-2) to a resource group (rg-1), which contains a logical host name resource (schost-2).

# scrgadm -pvv -g rg-1 | grep -i nodelist
(rg-1) Res Group Nodelist:    phys-schost-1 phys-schost-3
# scrgadm -pvv -g rg-1 | grep -i netiflist
(rg-1:schost-2) Res property name: NetIfList
(rg-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property class: extension(rg-1:schost-2:NetIfList) List of NAFO interfaces on each node(rg-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property type: stringarray(rg-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property value: nafo0@1 nafo0@3
(Only nodes 1 and 3 have been assigned NAFO groups. You must add a NAFO group for node 2.)

# scrgadm -c -j schost-2 -x netiflist=nafo0@1,nafo0@2,nafo0@3
# scrgadm -c -g rg-1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2,phys-schost-3
# scrgadm -pvv -g rg-1 | grep -i nodelist
(rg-1) Res Group Nodelist:     phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2 phys-schost-3
# scrgadm -pvv -g rg-1 | grep -i netiflist
(rg-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property value: nafo0@1 nafo0@2 nafo0@3