Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Tune Sun Cluster HA NFS Method Timeouts

The time HA NFS methods take to finish depends on the number of paths shared by the resources through the dfstab.resource-name file. The default timeout for these methods is 300 seconds. A simple rule of thumb is to allocate 10 seconds toward the method timeout values for each path shared. Because the default timeouts are designed to handle 30 shared paths, if the number of shared paths is less than 30, do not reduce the timeout.

If the number of shared paths exceeds 30, however, multiply that number by 10 to compute the recommended timeout. For example: If the dfstab.resource-name file contains 50 shared paths, the recommended timeout is 500 seconds.

The method timeouts that you should change are:


To change method timeouts, use the scrgadm(1M) -c option. For example:

% scrgadm -c -j resource-name -y Prenet_start_timeout=500