Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Developers' Guide

Parsing the Function Arguments

The RGM invokes all of the callback methods--with the exception of VALIDATE--as follows.

method_name -R resource_name -T resource_type_name -G resource_group_name 

The method name is the path name of the program that implements the callback method. A data service specifies the path name for each method in the RTR file. These path names are relative to the directory specified by the Rt_basedir property, also in the RTR file. For example, in the sample data service's RTR file, the base directory and method names are specified as follows.


START = dns_svc_start;
STOP =  dns_svc_stop;

All callback method arguments are passed as flagged values, with -R indicating the name of the resource instance, -T indicating the type of the resource, and -G indicating the group into which the resource is configured. See the rt_callbacks(1HA) man page for more information on callback methods.

Note -

The VALIDATE method is called with additional arguments (the property values of the resource and resource group on which it is called). See "Handling Property Updates" for more information.

Each method needs a function to parse the arguments it is passed. Because the callbacks are all passed the same arguments, the data service provides a single parse function that is used in all the callbacks in the application.

The following shows the parse_args function used for the methods in the sample application.

# Parse program arguments.
function parse_args # [args ...]
			typeset opt

			while getopts 'R:G:T:' opt
						case "$opt" in
									# Name of the DNS resource.
									# Name of the resource group in which the resource is
									# configured.
									# Name of the resource type.
								logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
								"ERROR: Option $OPTARG unknown"
								exit 1

Note -

Although the PROBE method in the sample application is user defined (not a Sun Cluster callback method), it is called with the same arguments as the callback methods. Therefore, this method contains a parse function identical to the one used by the other methods.

The parse function is called in MAIN as:

parse_args "$@"