Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Developers' Guide

Resource Group Properties to Support Monitors

Some resource group properties that a monitor might use are: Nodelist, Maximum_primaries, Desired_primaries, RG_state, Resource_list, and Global_resources_used.

Resource group properties can be read with a set of access functions. An open function (scha_resourcegroup_open(3HA)) initializes resource group access, a close function (scha_resourcegroup_close(3HA)) frees memory allocated by the access function, and operation tag values drive a variable argument function (scha_resourcegroup_get(3HA)) that returns property values in client variables that are passed as reference arguments. See Table A-3 for a list of resource group properties.

A single man page describes these three functions. You can access this man page through any of the individual functions, scha_resourcegroup_open(3HA), scha_resourcegroup_get(3HA), or scha_resourcegroup_close(3HA).

The sciptable version of this functionality is implemented with a single command, scha_resourcegroup_get(1HA).

No interface can directly change resource group properties, although control requests made using scha_control might cause the RGM to change the properties of a resource group. Resource group properties are changed by the RGM or by administrative action.