Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide

5.2.5 How to Switch a NAFO Group's Active Adapter

Switch the active adapter to a backup adapter so that the current active adapter can be removed from the NAFO group. The pnmd(1M) daemon moves all IP addresses hosted by the current active adapter to the new active adapter in a similar fashion as a fault-triggered adapter failover.

Note -

Connections can experience a brief delay while the switchover is taking place. Otherwise, the operation is transparent to higher-level applications.

  1. Ensure the physical connectivity of the new active adapter is identical to that of the current active adapter.

    If the new active adapter fails to host some of the IP addresses as the current active adapter, network and data services that depend on those IP addresses are interrupted until the physical connectivity is fixed or a subsequent successful failover occurs.

  2. Become superuser on the node that contains the NAFO group whose active adapter you want to switch.

  3. Switch the active adapter.

     # pnmset -c nafo-group -o switch adapter
    -c nafo-group

    Specifies the NAFO group containing the adapter to switch.

    -o switch adapter

    Makes the specified adapter the active adapter in the NAFO group.

  4. Verify the status of the NAFO group.

    The "switched-to" adapter should now appear as the active adapter.

    # pnmstat -l Example--Switching a NAFO Group's Active Adapter

The following example switches the active adapter to qfe1 from qfe0.

# pnmstat -l
group   adapters       status   fo_time  act_adp
nafo0   qfe0:qfe1       OK      NEVER    qfe0
# pnmset -c nafo0 -o switch qfe1
# pnmstat -l
group   adapters       status   fo_time  act_adp
nafo0   qfe0:qfe1       OK      11       qfe1