Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide

5.2.3 How to Add an Adapter to a NAFO Group

You can add adapters to an existing NAFO group to provide additional backup adapters for the NAFO group and thereby increase the availability of public network connectivity for the cluster node.

  1. Do you need to install the new public network adapter card(s) in the node(s)?

    • If yes, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide for instructions.

    • If no, proceed to Step 2.

  2. Make sure the adapter to be added to the NAFO group is connected to the same subnet as the active adapter for the NAFO group.

  3. Make sure the adapter is not plumbed, and that it does not have an associated /etc/hostname.adapter file.

  4. Become superuser on the node that contains the NAFO group to which the new adapter is being added.

  5. Add the adapter to the NAFO group.

    # pnmset -c nafo-group -o add adapter
    -c nafo-group

    Specifies the NAFO group to which the new adapter is being added.

    -o add adapter

    Specifies the public network adapter being added to the named NAFO group.

  6. Verify the status of the NAFO group.

    # pnmstat -l Example--Adding an Additional Public Network Adapter to a NAFO Group

The following example shows the addition of adapter qfe2 to NAFO group nafo0 which already contained two adapters (qfe0, qfe1).

# pnmstat -l
group   adapters        status   fo_time  act_adp
nafo0   qfe0:qfe1        OK      NEVER    qfe0
# pnmset -c nafo0 -o add qfe2
# pnmstat -l
group   adapters        status   fo_time  act_adp
nafo0   qfe0:qfe1:qfe2   OK      NEVER    qfe0