Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes

How to Install the Sun Cluster AnswerBooks

Use this procedure to install the Sun Cluster AnswerBook packages for the Sun Cluster 3.0 Collection and Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Collection.

  1. Become superuser on the server that has the AnswerBook2 documentation server installed.

  2. If you have previously installed the Sun Cluster AnswerBooks, remove the old packages.

    If you have never installed Sun Cluster AnswerBooks, ignore this step.

    # pkgrm SUNWscfab SUNWscdab
  3. Insert the Sun Cluster CD-ROM or Sun Cluster Data Services CD-ROM into a CD-ROM drive attached to your documentation server.

    The Volume Management daemon, vold(1M), should mount the CD-ROM automatically.

  4. Change directory to the location on the CD-ROM that contains the Sun Cluster AnswerBook package to install.

    The following directory contains the package for the Sun Cluster CD-ROM: suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Packages.

    The following directory contains the package for the Sun Cluster Data Services CD-ROM: scdataservices_3_0/components/SunCluster_Data_Service_Answer_Book_3.0/Packages.

  5. Use the pkgadd(1) command to install the package.

    # pkgadd -d .
  6. Select the packages to install.

    Select the Sun Cluster 3.0 Collection (SUNWscfab) and the Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Collection (SUNWscdab).

  7. From the pkgadd installation options menu, choose heavy to add the complete package to the system and to update the AnswerBook2 catalog.

    Select either the Sun Cluster 3.0 Collection (SUNWscfab) or the Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Collection (SUNWscdab).

The document collection package included on each CD-ROM includes a post-install script that adds the collection to the documentation server's database and restarts the server. You should now be able to view the Sun Cluster AnswerBooks using your documentation server.