Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes

Setting Up the Sun Cluster 3.0 Environment

Perform the following steps to set up your Sun Cluster 3.0 environment.

  1. On one node, run the following command to verify that:

    • The framework upgrade has correctly set up a Sun Cluster 3.0 resource group that corresponds to each Sun Cluster 2.2 logical host.

    • The hostname network resource is in the resource group and is online.

    # scstat -g
  2. On one node, run the following command to verify that the VERITAS disk group or Solstice DiskSuite diskset that held the Oracle database (and possibly the Oracle binaries) in Sun Cluster 2.2 is correctly mapped into a Sun Cluster 3.0 disk device group.

    # scstat -D
  3. On each node, run the following command to verify that the required file systems for each Oracle instance are mounted.

    # mount
  4. On each node, run the following commands to restore the saved version of the Oracle configuration files under the /var/opt directory.

    If you saved the files in the /var/opt/oracle directory earlier in the procedure, and the files are unchanged, you can skip this step.

    # cp -r /var/cluster/logs/install/preserve/2.2/SUNWscor/oracle /var/opt
    # chown -R oracle:dba /var/opt/oracle