Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes

Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5, "Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Apache," in the Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide describes the procedure for installing the Apache Web Server from the Apache web site ( However, you can also install the Apache Web Server from the Solaris 8 operating environment CD-ROM.

The Apache binaries are included in three packages--SUNWapchr, SUNWapchu, and SUNWapchd--that form the SUNWCapache package metacluster. You must install SUNWapchr before SUNWapchu.

Place the Web server binaries on the local file system on each of your cluster nodes or on a cluster file system.

Installing Apache from the Solaris 8 CD-ROM

This procedure documents the steps required to use the Sun Cluster HA for Apache data service with the version of the Apache Web Server that is on the Solaris 8 operating environment CD-ROM.

  1. Install the Apache packages SUNWapchr, SUNWapchu, and SUNWapchd if they are not already installed.

    Use pkginfo(1) to determine if the packages are already installed.

    # pkgadd -d Solaris 8 Product directory SUNWapchr SUNWapchu SUNWapchd
    Installing Apache Web Server (root) as SUNWapchr
    [ verifying class initd ]
    /etc/rc0.d/K16apache linked pathname
    /etc/rc1.d/K16apache linked pathname
    /etc/rc2.d/K16apache linked pathname
    /etc/rc3.d/S50apache linked pathname
    /etc/rcS.d/K16apache linked pathname
  2. Disable the start and stop run control scripts that were just installed as part of the SUNWapchr package.

    Disabling these scripts is necessary because the Sun Cluster HA for Apache data service will start and stop the Apache application after the data service has been configured. Perform the following steps:

    1. List the Apache run control scripts.

    2. Rename the Apache run control scripts.

    3. Verify that all the Apache-related scripts have been renamed.

    Note -

    The following example changes the first letter in the name of the run control script from upper case to lower case. You can rename the scripts, however, in a fashion consistent with your normal administration practices.

    # ls -1 /etc/rc?.d/*apache
    # mv /etc/rc0.d/K16apache  /etc/rc0.d/k16apache# mv /etc/rc1.d/K16apache  /etc/rc1.d/k16apache
    # mv /etc/rc2.d/K16apache  /etc/rc2.d/k16apache
    # mv /etc/rc3.d/S50apache  /etc/rc3.d/s50apache
    # mv /etc/rcS.d/K16apache  /etc/rcS.d/k16apache
    # ls -1 /etc/rc?.d/*apache