Guide d'administration système de Sun Cluster 3.0 Exemple : ajout d'un noeud à un cluster

L'exemple suivant montre comment ajouter un noeud appelé phys-schost-3 à un cluster existant.

[Devenez superutilisateur.]
[Lancez l'utilitaire scsetup.]
# scsetup
*** Main Menu ***
    Please select from one of the following options:
    Option:  5
*** New Nodes Menu ***
    Please select from one of the following options:
      3) Specify the name of a machine which may add itself
    Option:  3
>>> Specify a Machine which may Install itself into the Cluster <<<
    Is it okay to continue (yes/no) [yes]? <Retour>
    Name of the host to add to the list of recognized machines?  phys-schost-3
    Is it okay to proceed with the update (yes/no) [yes]? <Retour>
scconf -a -T node=phys-schost-3
    Command completed successfully.
[Quittez le menu New Nodes et le menu principal :]
    Option:  q
[Vérifiez que le noeud a été ajouté.]
# scconf -p | grep "Cluster new"
	Cluster new node authentication:      unix
	Cluster new node list:                phys-schost-3