Sun Cluster 3.0 系统管理指南 示例-关闭群集节点

以下示例展示关闭节点 phys-schost-1 时的控制台输出。-g 0 选项将宽延期设置为 零,-y 自动提供对确认问题的 yes 响应。群集中其他节点的 控制台上也显示此节点的关闭消息。

# scswitch -S -h phys-schost-1
# shutdown -g 0 -y
Sep  2 10:08:46 phys-schost-1 cl_runtime: WARNING: CMM monitoring disabled.phys-schost-1# 
INIT: New run level: 0
The system is coming down.  Please wait.
Notice: rgmd is being stopped.
Notice: rpc.pmfd is being stopped.
Notice: rpc.fed is being stopped.
umount: /global/.devices/node@1 busy
umount: /global/phys-schost-1 busy
The system is down.
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated