Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

Adding Drives to a Diskset

When you add a disk drive to a diskset, Solstice DiskSuite repartitions it as follows so that the metadevice state database for the diskset can be placed on the drive.

How to Add Drives to a Diskset
  1. Become superuser on the node.

  2. Ensure that the diskset has been created.

    For instructions, see "How to Create a Diskset".

  3. List the device ID (DID) mappings.

    # scdidadm -L

    • Choose drives that are shared by the cluster nodes that will master or potentially master the diskset.

    • Use the full DID pseudo-driver names when you add drives to a diskset.

    The first column of output is the DID instance number, the second column is the full path (physical path), and the third column is the full DID pseudo-driver name (pseudo path). A shared drive has more than one entry for the same DID instance number.

    In the following example, the entries for DID instance number 2 indicate a drive that is shared by phys-schost-1 and phys-schost-2, and the full DID name is /dev/did/rdsk/d2.

    1       phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1
    2       phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d2
    2       phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d2
    3       phys-schost-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t2d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d3
    3       phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c1t2d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d3

  4. Take ownership of the diskset.

    # metaset -s setname -t
    -s setname

    Specifies the diskset name


    Takes ownership of the diskset

  5. Add the drives to the diskset.

    Use the full DID pseudo-driver name.

    # metaset -s setname -a DIDname

    Adds the disk drive to the diskset


    Device ID (DID) name of the shared disk

    Note -

    Do not use the lower-level device name (cNtXdY) when you add a drive to a diskset. Because the lower-level device name is a local name and not unique throughout the cluster, using this name might prevent the metaset from being able to switch over.

  6. Verify the status of the diskset and drives.

    # metaset -s setname

  7. Do you intend to repartition drives for use in metadevices?

Example--Adding Drives to a Diskset

The metaset command adds the disk drives /dev/did/dsk/d1 and /dev/did/dsk/d2 to the diskset dg-schost-1.

# metaset -s dg-schost-1 -a /dev/did/dsk/d1 /dev/did/dsk/d2