Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

How to Assign a New Minor Number to a Disk Device Group

If disk device group registration fails because of a minor number conflict with another disk group, you must assign the new disk group a new, unused minor number. Perform this procedure to reminor a disk group.

  1. Become superuser on a node of the cluster.

  2. Determine the minor numbers in use.

    # ls -l /global/.devices/node@1/dev/vx/dsk/*

  3. Choose any other multiple of 1000 that is not in use to become the base minor number for the new disk group.

  4. Assign the new base minor number to the disk group.

    # vxdg reminor diskgroup base-minor-number

  5. Go to Step 5 of "How to Create and Register a Shared Disk Group" to register the disk group as a Sun Cluster disk device group.

Example--How to Assign a New Minor Number to a Disk Device Group

This example uses the minor numbers 16000-16002 and 4000-4001. The vxdg reminor command reminors the new disk device group to use the base minor number 5000.

# ls -l /global/.devices/node@1/dev/vx/dsk/*
brw-------   1 root     root      56,16000 Oct  7 11:32 dg1v1
brw-------   1 root     root      56,16001 Oct  7 11:32 dg1v2
brw-------   1 root     root      56,16002 Oct  7 11:32 dg1v3
brw-------   1 root     root      56,4000 Oct  7 11:32 dg2v1
brw-------   1 root     root      56,4001 Oct  7 11:32 dg2v2
# vxdg reminor dg3 5000