Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

How to Create a rootdg Disk Group on a Non-Root Disk

Use this procedure to create a rootdg disk group by encapsulating or initializing local disks other than the root disk.

  1. Have available the VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) license keys.

  2. Become superuser on the node.

  3. (Optional) If the disks will be encapsulated, ensure that each disk has at least two slices with 0 cylinders.

    If necessary, use the format(1M) command to assign 0 cylinders to each VxVM slice.

  4. Start the vxinstall(1M) utility.

    # vxinstall

    When prompted, make the following choices or entries.

    • Supply the VxVM license key.

    • If you intend to enable the VxVM cluster feature, supply the cluster feature license key.

    • Choose Custom Installation.

    • Do not encapsulate the root disk.

    • Choose any disks to add to the rootdg disk group.

    • Do not accept automatic reboot.

  5. Evacuate any resource groups or device groups from the node.

    # scswitch -S -h node

    Evacuates all resource groups and device groups

    -h node

    Specifies the name of the node from which to evacuate resource or device groups

  6. Reboot the node.

    # shutdown -g0 -y -i6

  7. Use the vxdiskadm(1M) command to add multiple disks to the rootdg disk group.

    The rootdg disk group becomes tolerant of a disk failure when it contains multiple disks. See VxVM documentation for procedures.

  8. Create shared disk groups.

    Go to "How to Create and Register a Shared Disk Group".