Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

How to Configure Public Network Management (PNM)

Perform this task on each node of the cluster.

Note -

All public network adapters must belong to a Network Adapter Failover (NAFO) group. Also, each node can have only one NAFO group per subnet.

  1. Have available your completed "Public Networks Worksheet" from the Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes.

  2. Become superuser on the node to configure for a NAFO group.

  3. Create the NAFO group.

    # pnmset -c nafo-group -o create adapter [adapter ...]
    -c nafo-group

    Configures the NAFO group nafo-group

    -o create adapter

    Creates a new NAFO group that contains one or more public network adapters

    See the pnmset(1M) man page for more information.

  4. Verify the status of the NAFO group.

    # pnmstat -l

    See the pnmstat(1M) man page for more information.

  5. Do you intend to change any private hostnames?

Example--Configuring PNM

The following example creates NAFO group nafo0, which uses public network adapters qfe1 and qfe5.

# pnmset -c nafo0 -o create qfe1 qfe5
# pnmstat -l
group  adapters       status  fo_time    act_adp
nafo0  qfe1:qfe5      OK      NEVER      qfe5
nafo1  qfe6           OK      NEVER      qfe6