Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

How to Install Cluster Control Panel Software on the Administrative Console

This procedure describes how to install the Cluster Control Panel (CCP) software on the administrative console. The CCP provides a launchpad for the cconsole(1M), ctelnet(1M), and crlogin(1M) tools. Each of these tools provides a multiple-window connection to a set of nodes, plus a common window that sends input to all nodes at one time.

You can use any desktop machine that runs the Solaris 8 operating environment as an administrative console. In addition, you can also use the administrative console as a Sun Management Center console and/or server, and as an AnswerBook server. See Sun Management Center documentation for information on how to install Sun Management Center software. See the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes for information on how to install an AnswerBook server.

Note -

You are not required to use an administrative console. If you do not use an administrative console, perform administrative tasks from one designated node in the cluster.

  1. Ensure that the Solaris 8 operating environment and any Solaris patches are installed on the administrative console.

    All platforms require Solaris 8 with at least the End User System Support software group.

  2. If you install from the CD-ROM, insert the Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the administrative console.

    If the Volume Management daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, it automatically mounts the CD-ROM on the /cdrom/suncluster_3_0u1 directory.

  3. Change to the /cdrom/suncluster_3_0u1/SunCluster_3.0/Packages directory.

    # cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0u1/SunCluster_3.0/Packages

  4. Install the SUNWccon package.

    # pkgadd -d . SUNWccon

  5. (Optional) Install the SUNWscman package.

    # pkgadd -d . SUNWscman

    When you install the SUNWscman package on the administrative console, you can view Sun Cluster man pages from the administrative console before you install Sun Cluster software on the cluster nodes.

  6. If you installed from a CD-ROM, eject the CD-ROM.

  7. Create an /etc/clusters file.

    Add your cluster name and the physical node name of each cluster node to the file.

    # vi /etc/clusters
    clustername node1 node2

    See the /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/clusters(4) man page for details.

  8. Create an /etc/serialports file.

    Add the physical node name of each cluster node, the terminal concentrator (TC) or System Service Processor (SSP) name, and the serial port numbers to the file.

    # vi /etc/serialports
    node1 TC-hostname 500N
    node2 TC-hostname 500N

    Physical name of the cluster node


    Name of the TC or SSP


    Serial (telnet) port number

    Note -

    Use the telnet(1) port numbers, not the physical port numbers, for the serial port numbers in the /etc/serialports file. To determine the serial port number, add 5000 to the physical port number. For example, if a physical port number is 6, the serial port number should be 5006.

    For Sun Enterprise E10000 server servers, see the /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/serialports(4) man page for details and special considerations.

  9. For convenience, add the /opt/SUNWcluster/bin directory to the PATH and the /opt/SUNWcluster/man directory to the MANPATH on the administrative console.

    If you installed the SUNWscman package, also add the /usr/cluster/man directory to the MANPATH.

  10. Start the CCP utility.

    # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/ccp clustername

    See the procedure "How to Remotely Log In to Sun Cluster" in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide and the /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/ccp(1M) man page for information about how to use the CCP.

  11. Install the Solaris operating environment.