Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide

How to Correct Mismatched DID Numbers

Use this section to correct mismatched device ID (DID) numbers that might appear during the creation of A3500/A3500FC LUNs. You correct the mismatch by deleting Solaris and Sun Cluster paths to the LUNs that have DID numbers that are different. After rebooting, the paths are corrected.

Note -

Use this procedure only if you are directed to do so from "How to Create a LUN".

  1. From one node that is connected to the StorEdge A3500/A3500FC system, use the format command to determine the paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers:

    # format

  2. Remove the paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers:

    # rm /dev/rdsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/dsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/osa/dev/dsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/osa/dev/rdsk/cNtXdY*

  3. Use the lad command to determine the alternate paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers.

    The RAID Manager software creates two paths to the LUN in the /dev/osa/dev/rdsk directory. Substitute the cNtXdY number from the other controller module in the disk array to determine the alternate path.

    For example, with this configuration:

    # lad
    c0t5d0 1T93600714 LUNS: 0 1
    c1t4d0 1T93500595 LUNS: 2

    The alternate paths would be as follows.


  4. Remove the alternate paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers:

    # rm /dev/osa/dev/dsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/osa/dev/rdsk/cNtXdY*

  5. On both nodes, remove all obsolete DIDs:

    # scdidadm -C

  6. Switch resources and device groups off the node:

    # scswitch -Sh nodename

  7. Shut down the node:

    # shutdown -y -g0 -i0

  8. Boot the node and wait for it to rejoin the cluster:

    # boot -r

  9. Repeat Step 1 through Step 8 on the other node that is attached to the StorEdge A3500/A3500FC system.

  10. Return to "How to Create a LUN".