Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Change Resource-Type Properties

To complete this procedure, you must supply the following information.

Note -

Perform this procedure from any cluster node.

  1. Become superuser on a cluster member.

  2. Run the scrgadm command to determine the name of the resource type needed for this procedure.

    # scrgadm -pv
  3. Change the resource-type property.

    The only property that can be changed for a resource type is Installed_node_list.

    # scrgadm -c -t resource-type -h installed-node-list

    Changes the specified resource-type property.

    -t resource-type

    Specifies the name of the resource type.

    -h installed-node-list

    Specifies the names of nodes on which this resource type is installed.

  4. Verify that the resource-type property has been changed.

    # scrgadm -pv -t resource-type

Example - Changing a Resource-Type Property

This example shows how to change the SUNW.apache property to define that this resource type is installed on two nodes (phys-schost-1 and phys-schost-2).

# scrgadm -c -t SUNW.apache -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2 
# scrgadm -pv -t SUNW.apache
Res Type name:                               SUNW.apache
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type description:        Apache Resource Type
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type base directory:     /opt/SUNWscapc/bin
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type single instance:    False
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type init nodes:         All potential masters
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type failover:           False
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type version:            1.0
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type API version:        2
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type installed on nodes: phys-schost1 phys-schost-2
  (SUNW.apache) Res Type packages:           SUNWscapc