Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Use VxVM

To use the VxVM software with the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Parallel Server data service, perform the following tasks.

  1. Obtain a license for the Volume Manager cluster feature in addition to the basic VxVM license.

    See your VxVM documentation for more information about VxVM licensing requirements.

    Caution - Caution -

    Failure to correctly install the license for the Volume Manager cluster feature might result in a panic when you install OPS support. Prior to installing the OPS packages, run the vxlicense check command to ensure that you have installed a valid license for the Volume Manager cluster feature.

  2. Install and configure the VxVM software on the cluster nodes.

    See the VxVM appendix in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide and the VxVM documentation for more information.