Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Install Netscape Directory Server

This procedure describes the interaction with the Netscape setup command. Only the sections that are specific to the Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Directory Server data service are included here. For the other sections, choose or change the default values as appropriate. This procedure includes only basic steps. See the Netscape LDAP documentation for details.

  1. Become superuser on a cluster member.

  2. Run the setup command from the install directory on the Netscape CD.

  3. From setup, choose the menu items to install a Netscape Server with a Custom Installation.

    Supply the logical hostname when the setup command prompts you for the full server name.

  4. For the install location, select a location on the global file system, for example, /global/nsldap.

    Supply the logical hostname when the setup command prompts you for the full server name. This step is required for failover to work correctly.

    Note -

    The logical host that you specify must be online on the node from which you run the Netscape Directory Server installation. This state is necessary because at the end of the Netscape Directory Server installation, Netscape Directory Server automatically starts and will fail if the logical host is offline on that node.

  5. Select the logical hostname along with your domain for the computer name, for example,

  6. When prompted for the IP address to be used as the LDAP Administrative Server, specify an IP address for one of the cluster nodes.

As part of the installation, you set up an LDAP Administrative Server. The IP address that you specify for this server must be that of a physical cluster node, not the name of the logical host that will fail over.