Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

NFS System Fault Monitor Process

To check for the presence of the process and its response to a null rpc call, the system fault monitor probes rpcbind, statd, lockd, nfsd, and mountd. This monitor uses the following NFS extension properties.




See "Configuring Sun Cluster HA for NFS Extension Properties" to review or set extension properties.

Each system fault monitor probe cycle performs the following steps.

  1. Sleeps for Cheap_probe_interval.

  2. Probes rpcbind.

    If the process fails, reboots the system if Failover_mode=HARD.

    If a null rpc call fails and if Rpcbind_nullrpc_reboot=True and Failover_mode=HARD, reboots the system.

  3. Probes statd and lockd.

    If either of these daemons fails, restarts both.

    If a null rpc call fails, logs a message to syslog but does not restart.

  4. Probe nfsd and mountd.

    If the process fails, restart it.

    If a null rpc call fails, restart mountd if the cluster file system device is available and the extension property Mountd_nullrpc_restart=True.

If any of the NFS daemons fail to restart, the status of all online NFS resources is set to FAULTED. When all NFS daemons are restarted and healthy, the resource status is set to ONLINE again.