Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Guide

Directory Structure

Agent Builder creates a directory structure to hold all the files it generates for the target resource type. You specify (on the Create screen) the install directory. You must specify separate install directories for any additional resource types you develop. Under the install directory, Agent Builder creates a subdirectory whose name is a concatenation of the vendor name and the resource-type name (from the Create screen). For example, if you specify SUNW as the vendor name and create a resource type called ftp, Agent Builder creates a directory called SUNWftp under the install directory.

Under this subdirectory, Agent Builder creates and populates the directories listed in the following table.

Table 7-1

Directory Name 



For C output, contains the binary files compiled from the source files. For ksh output, contains the same files as the src directory.


Contains the RTR file. Agent Builder concatenates the vendor name and resource type name, separated by a period (.), to form the RTR filename. For example, if the vendor name is SUNW and the name of the resource type is ftp, the name of the RTR file is SUNW.ftp.


Contains customized (man1m) man pages for the start, stop, and remove utility scripts. For example, startftp(1M), stopftp(1M), and removeftp(1M).


To view these man pages, specify the path with the man -M option. For example,

man -M install_directory/SUNWftp/man removeftp.


Contains the final installable package. 


Contains the source files that Agent Builder generates. 


Contains the start, stop, and remove utility scripts that Agent Builder generates. See "Utility Scripts and Man Pages". Agent Builder appends the resource type name to each of these script names; for example, startftp, stopftp, removeftp.