Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Guide

Installing and Configuring Agent Builder

Agent Builder requires no special installation--it is included in the SUNWscdev package, which is installed by default as part of a standard Sun Cluster software installation (see the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide). Before you use Agent Builder, verify the following:

Note -

You can use a different compiler with Agent Builder than the standard cc compiler. One way to do this is to create a symbolic link in $PATH from cc to a different compiler, such as gcc. Another way is to change the compiler specification in the makefile (currently, CC=cc) to the complete path for a different compiler. For example, in the makefile generated by Agent Builder, change CC=cc to CC=pathname/gcc. In this case you cannot run Agent Builder directly but must use the make and make pkg commands to generate data service code and a package.