Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Guide

Declaring Resource Type Properties

The cluster administrator cannot configure the resource type properties you declare in the RTR file. They become part of the permanent configuration of the resource type.

Note -

One resource type property, Installed_nodes, is configurable by a system administrator. In fact, it is only configurable by a system administrator and you cannot declare it in the RTR file.

The syntax for resource type declarations is:

property_name = value;

Note -

The RGM treats property names as case insensitive. The convention for properties in Sun-supplied RTR files, with the exception of method names, is uppercase for the first letter of the name and lowercase for the rest of the name. Method names--as well as property attributes--contain all uppercase letters.

Following are the resource type declarations in the RTR file for a sample (smpl) data service:

# Sun Cluster Data Services Builder template version 1.0
# Registration information and resources for smpl
#NOTE: Keywords are case insensitive, i.e., you can use
#any capitalization style you prefer.
Resource_type = "smpl";
Vendor_id = SUNW;
RT_description = "Sample Service on Sun Cluster";

RT_version ="1.0"; 
API_version = 2;	 
Failover = TRUE;

Init_nodes = RG_PRIMARIES;


START						=		smpl_svc_start;
STOP						=		smpl_svc_stop;

VALIDATE 						=		smpl_validate;
UPDATE 						=		smpl_update;

MONITOR_START 							= 	smpl_monitor_start;
MONITOR_STOP 							= 	smpl_monitor_stop;
MONITOR_CHECK 						= 		smpl_monitor_check;

Tip -

You must declare the Resource_type property as the first entry in the RTR file. Otherwise, registration of the resource type will fail.

The first set of resource type declarations provide basic information about the resource type, as follows:

The remaining resource type declarations provide configuration information, as follows: