Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Guide

Verifying the Configuration

In order to operate, DNS requires information from the named.conf file in the configuration directory. Therefore, the START method performs some sanity checks to verify that the directory and file are accessible before attempting to launch DNS.

The Confdir extension property provides the path to the configuration directory. The property itself is defined in the RTR file. However, the cluster administrator specifies the actual location when configuring the data service.

In the sample data service, the START method retrieves the location of the configuration directory using the scha_resource_get(1HA) command.

Note -

Because Confdir is an extension property, scha_resource_get returns both the type and value. The awk(1) command retrieves just the value and places it in a shell variable, CONFIG_DIR.

# find the value of Confdir set by the cluster administrator at the time of
# adding the resource.
config_info=`scha_resource_get -O Extension -R $RESOURCE_NAME \

# scha_resource_get returns the "type" as well as the "value" for the extension
# properties. Get only the value of the extension property 
CONFIG_DIR=`echo $config_info | awk '{print $2}'`

The START method then uses the value of CONFIG_DIR to verify that the directory is accessible. If it is not accessible, START logs an error message and exits with error status. See "START Exit Status".

# Check if $CONFIG_DIR is accessible.
if [ ! -d $CONFIG_DIR ]; then
	logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
			-t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
			"${ARGV0} Directory $CONFIG_DIR is missing or not mounted"
	exit 1

Before starting the application daemon, this method performs a final check to verify that the named.conf file is present. If it is not present, START logs an error message and exits with error status.

# Change to the $CONFIG_DIR directory in case there are relative
# pathnames in the data files.

# Check that the named.conf file is present in the $CONFIG_DIR directory
if [ ! -s named.conf ]; then
	logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
			-t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
			"${ARGV0} File $CONFIG_DIR/named.conf is missing or empty"
	exit 1