Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide

9.4.1 How to Change the Port Number for SunPlex Manager

If the default port number (3000) conflicts with another running process, change the port number of SunPlex Manager on each node of the cluster.

Note -

The port number must be identical on all nodes of the cluster.

  1. Open the /opt/SUNWscvw/conf/httpd.conf configuration file using a text editor.

  2. Change the Port number entry.

    The Port entry is located under Section 2, 'Main' server configuration.

  3. Edit the VirtualHost entry to reflect the new port number.

    The <VirtualHost _default_:3000> entry is located in the section titled "SSL Virtual Host Context".

  4. Save the configuration file and exit the editor.

  5. Restart SunPlex Manager.

    # /opt/SUNWscvw/bin/apachectl restart

  6. Repeat this procedure on each node of the cluster.