Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide

5.2.6 How to Check the Status of NAFO Groups

You can also accomplish this procedure by using the SunPlex Manager GUI. See the SunPlex Manager online help for more information.

    Run the pnmstat(1M) command to list information about the current setup and status of all NAFO groups on a node.

    # pnmstat -l

You can also use the pnmptor(1M) and pnmrtop(1M) commands to get information on adapters. Examples--Checking the Status of NAFO Groups

The following example shows the status of a node's three NAFO groups.

# pnmstat -l
Group   adapters        status  fo_time act_adp 
nafo0   qfe5            OK      NEVER   qfe5 
nafo1   qfe6            OK      NEVER   qfe6 
nafo2   qfe7            OK      NEVER   qfe7 Examples--Finding the Active Adapter For a NAFO Group

The following example shows that the active adapter in NAFO group nafo0 is adapter qfe5.

# pnmptor nafo0
qfe5 Examples--Finding an Adapter's NAFO Group

The following example shows that adapter qfe5 belongs to NAFO group nafo0.

# pnmrtop qfe5