Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide

6.1.8 How to Bring a Node Out of Maintenance State

Use the following procedure to bring a node back online and reset the quorum vote count to the default. For cluster nodes, the default quorum count is one. For quorum devices, the default quorum count is N-1, where N is the number of nodes with non-zero vote counts that have ports to the quorum device.

When a node has been put into maintenance state, the node's quorum vote count is decremented by one. All quorum devices that are configured with ports to the node will also have their quorum vote counts decremented. When the quorum vote count is reset and a node is brought back out of maintenance state, both the node's quorum vote count and the quorum device vote count are incremented by one.

Run this procedure any time a node has been put into maintenance state and you are bringing it out of maintenance state.

Caution - Caution -

If you do not specify either the globaldev or node options, the quorum count is reset for the entire cluster.

  1. Become superuser on any node of the cluster.

  2. If using quorum, reset the cluster quorum count from a node other than the one in maintenance state.

    You must reset the quorum count from a node other than the node in maintenance state before rebooting the node, or it might hang waiting for quorum.

    # scconf -c -q node=node,reset


    Specifies the change form of the scconf command.


    Manages the quorum options.


    Specifies the name of the node to be reset, for example, phys-schost-1.


    The change flag that resets quorum.

  3. Reboot the node.

  4. Verify the quorum vote count.

    # scconf -p | grep -i vote Example--Bringing a Cluster Node Out of Maintenance State and Resetting the Quorum Vote Count

The following example resets the quorum count for a cluster node and its quorum devices back to their defaults and verifies the result.

# scconf -c -q node=phys-schost-1,reset
# scconf -pv | grep -i vote
 Node quorum vote count:           1
 Node quorum vote count:           1
 Node quorum vote count:           1
 (d20) Quorum device votes:                        1
 (d21) Quorum device votes:                        1