Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes

Chapter 1 Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes

This document provides the following information for SunTM Cluster 3.0 Update 1 (U1).

The appendices to this document include installation planning worksheets and examples for planning the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 software and data services installation.

New Features and Functionality

The following table lists new features and functionality that require updates to the Sun Cluster documentation. The second column identifies the documentation that was updated. Contact your Sun sales representative for the complete list of supported hardware and software.

Table 1-1 New Features

Feature or Functionality 

Documentation Updates 

SunPlexTM Manager GUI

Extensive online help is supplied with the GUI. 

Accessibility Features in the SunPlex Manager GUI 

SunPlex Manager supports third-party accessibility software when run through an accessible browser, such as Internet Explorer 5. Accessibility features include text-based menus, keyboard navigation, and text-based alternatives to information presented pictorially. See Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide for more information about accessibility features in the SunPlex Manager.

Sun Cluster HA for SAP data service 

NOTE: You must install Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1 software before you can run Sun Cluster HA for SAP. It will not run under the Sun Cluster 3.0 GA release. 

  • A new chapter has been added to the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide to describe installation and configuration.

  • A new section has been added to the chapter "Understanding Data Service Fault Monitors" to describe the Sun Cluster HA for SAP fault monitor.

  • Two new man pages, SUNW.sap_as(5), and SUNW.sap_ci(5), have been added to describe the Sun Cluster HA for SAP resource properties.

Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE data service 

NOTE: Although the Sun Cluster software is capable of running in 32-bit and 64-bit modes, the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE data service is only capable of running in 32-bit mode. 

  • A new chapter has been added to the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide to describe installation and configuration.

  • A new section has been added to the chapter "Understanding Data Service Fault Monitors" to describe the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE fault monitor.

  • A new man page, SUNW.sybase_ase(5) has been added to describe the Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE resource properties.

Enhancements to the scsetup utility for resources and resource groups

The Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide has been updated to include scsetup as an interface for RGM updates within data service installation and configuration procedures.

SunPlex Agent Builder 

The Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Kit describes this wizard for creating new data services. There are also three new man pages describing the feature: scdsbuilder(1HA), scdsconfig(1HA), and scdscreate(1HA).

Data Service Enabling Technologies 

The Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Kit describes this new application development interface.

scvxinstall(1M) script

This new script simplifies the process of configuring VERITAS Volume Manager in a SunPlex system. This script is documented in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide and the scvxinstall (1M) man page.

Sun StorEdge A3500FC system 

The Sun StorEdge A3x00 chapter in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide has been updated to include installation, configuration, and maintenance procedures for the A3500FC system.

Sun StorEdge T3 Array - single brick configuration 

A new chapter on Sun StorEdge T3 Array - single brick configuration has been added to the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide to describe the installation, configuration, and maintenance procedures for this new storage configuration.

Solaris Resource Manager 1.2 coexistence 

This coexistence is described in "Installing and Configuring Solaris Resource Manager with Sun Cluster 3.0 Updates". This document is available in the Solaris Resource Manager 1.2 AnswerBook2 Collection at 

Sun Management Center 3.0 

New documentation is included in "Sun Management Center Software Upgrade" and "Sun Management Center GUI" in this document.

Notes on New Features and Functionality

This section includes additional information on new features and functionality.

SunPlex Manager

SunPlex Manager is a web-based GUI interface for installing, configuring, and managing the SunPlex system. SunPlex Manager can be used to install and configure all of the software needed to run a Sun Cluster 3.0 configuration. The GUI functionality is documented in the online help included with SunPlex Manager.

SunPlex Agent Builder

SunPlex Agent Builder is a a tool that automates the creation and packaging of resource types (data services) to be run under control of the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager. This reduces the development time for new resource types.

Data Service Enabling Technologies

The data service enabling technologies adds to the base Sun Cluster 3.0 development API and provides the following new functionality.

All of these new benefits are primarily geared towards easing and expediting the development of more robust data services.

Enhancements to scsetup (1M)

Resource Group Manager (RGM) extensions to the scsetup utility enable you to create resource groups and to add both network and data service resources to resource groups. When you add data service resources, the scsetup utility searches for both registered and unregistered resource types. The scsetup utility also provides for automatic registration of unregistered resource types as needed when you add data service resources. To launch the RGM submenu, choose option 2 from the scsetup main menu.

scvxinstall (1M) Script

scvxinstall is a script designed to automate the process of installing VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) as the Sun Cluster volume manager. It also (optionally) encapsulates the root disk. Root disk encapsulation enables you to either mirror your root disk or reduce the total amount of local disk space required by VxVM. This script replaces the VxVM installation and root-disk encapsulation procedures previously documented in the GA release of the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide.

Supported Products

This section describes the supported software and memory requirements for Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1.

Features Nearing End of Life

Public Network Management (PNM) will not be supported in the next Sun Cluster feature release. Network adapter monitoring and failover for Sun Cluster will instead be performed by Solaris IP Multipathing.

Public Network Management (PNM)

PNM should be used to configure and administer network interface card monitoring and failover. However, the user interfaces to the PNM daemon and PNM administration commands are obsolete and will be removed in the next Sun Cluster feature release. Users are strongly discouraged from developing tools that rely on these interfaces. The following interfaces are officially supported in the current release, but are expected to be removed in the next Sun Cluster feature release.

With the integration of IP Multipathing in the next feature release, the Solaris IP Multipathing administration model and interfaces should be used for network availability management. See the Solaris IP Multipathing Administration Guide for more details.

Sun Cluster AnswerBooks Installation

The Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1 user documentation is available online in AnswerBook2TM format for use with AnswerBook2 documentation servers. The Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1 AnswerBook2 documentation set consists of the following collections.

Setting Up the AnswerBook2 Documentation Server

The Solaris operating environment release includes AnswerBook2 documentation server software. The Solaris documentation CD-ROM, which is separate from the Solaris operating environment CD-ROM, includes the documentation server software. You need the Solaris documentation CD-ROM to install an AnswerBook2 documentation server.

If you have installed an AnswerBook2 documentation server at your site, you can use the same server for the Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1 AnswerBooks. Otherwise, install a documentation server on a machine at your site. We recommend that you use the administrative console as the administrative interface to your cluster for the documentation server. Do not use a cluster node as your AnswerBook2 documentation server.

For information on installing an AnswerBook2 documentation server, load the Solaris documentation CD-ROM on a server, and view the README files.

Viewing Sun Cluster AnswerBooks

Install the Sun Cluster AnswerBook2 documents on a file system on the same server on which you install the documentation server. The Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1 AnswerBooks include a post-install script that automatically adds the documents to your existing AnswerBook library.

To setup your AnswerBook2 servers:

How to Install the Sun Cluster AnswerBooks

Use this procedure to install the Sun Cluster AnswerBook packages for the Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Collection and Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Data Services Collection.

  1. Become superuser on the server that has an AnswerBook2 documentation server.

  2. If you have previously installed the Sun Cluster AnswerBooks, remove the old packages.

    # pkgrm SUNWscfab SUNWscdab

    If you have never installed Sun Cluster AnswerBooks, ignore this step.

  3. Insert the Sun Cluster CD-ROM or Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Agents CD-ROM into a CD-ROM drive attached to your documentation server.

    The Volume Management daemon, vold(1M), mounts the CD-ROM automatically.

  4. Change directory to the CD-ROM location that contains the Sun Cluster AnswerBook package.

    The AnswerBook packages reside at the following locations.

    • Sun Cluster CD-ROM


    • Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Agents CD-ROM.


  5. Use the pkgadd(1) command to install the package.

    # pkgadd -d .
  6. Select the Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Collection (SUNWscfab) and the Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Data Services Collection (SUNWscdab) packages to install.

  7. From the pkgadd installation options menu, choose heavy to add the complete package to the system and update the AnswerBook2 catalog.

    Select either the Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Collection (SUNWscfab) or the Sun Cluster 3.0 7/01 Data Services Collection (SUNWscdab).

The document collection package on each CD-ROM includes a post-installation script that adds the collection to the documentation server's database and restarts the server. You can now view the Sun Cluster AnswerBooks from your documentation server.

PDF Files

The Sun Cluster CD-ROMs include a PDF file for each book in the Sun Cluster documentation set.

Similar to the Sun Cluster AnswerBooks, six PDF files reside on the Sun Cluster CD-ROM and one PDF file resides on the Agents CD-ROM. The PDF file names are abbreviations of the books (see Table 1-3).

The PDF files reside at the following locations.

Table 1-3 Mapping of PDF Abbreviations to Book Titles


PDF Abbreviation 

Book Title 

Sun Cluster 


Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide


Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide


Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Kit


Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide


Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Concepts


Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Error Messages Manual

Data Services 


Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide


The following restrictions apply to the Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1 release:

Patches and Required Firmware Levels

The SunSolve OnlineSM Web site provides 24-hour access to the most up-to-date information regarding patches, software, and firmware for Sun products. Access the SunSolve Online site at for the most current matrixes of supported software, firmware, and patch revisions.

Note -

You must have a SunSolve account registered to view and download the required patches for the Sun Cluster product. If you don't have an account registered, contact your Sun service representative or sales engineer, or register through the SunSolve Online Web site.

You can find Sun Cluster 3.0 patch information using the SunSolve EarlyNotifierSM Service. To view the EarlyNotifier information, log into SunSolve and access the Simple search selection from the top of the main page. From the Simple Search page, click on the EarlyNotifier box and type Sun Cluster 3.0 in the search criteria box. This will bring up the EarlyNotifier page for Sun Cluster 3.0.

Before installing Sun Cluster 3.0 and applying patches to a cluster component (Solaris operating system, Sun Cluster software, volume manager or data services software, or disk hardware), review the EarlyNotifier information and any README files that accompany the patches. All cluster nodes must have the same patch level for proper cluster operation.

For specific patch procedures and tips on administering patches, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide.

Required SAP Patches for Sun Cluster HA for SAP

The latest patch for the executable sapstart (see OSS note 0396321) protects you from multiple startups of SAP instances when an instance is already active on one node. The patch is important because duplication of SAP instances crashes the instance that was already active. Furthermore, the crash prevents SAP shutdown scripts from clean shut down of the SAP instances, which might cause data corruption.

To overcome this problem, install the latest patch for the sapstart executable, and configure the new parameter in the SAP startup profile for the application server and central instance.

For example, edit the profile START_DVEBMGS00 (the profile for the central instance) to add the new SAP parameter, sapstart/lockfile.

sapstart/lockfile =/usr/sap/D01/DVEBMGS00/work/startup_lockfile

New parameter name.


Work directory for the central instance.


Lock file name that Sun Cluster HA for SAP uses.

Note -

You must locate the lock file path on the cluster file system. If you locate the lock file path locally on the nodes, start ups of the same instance from different nodes cannot be prevented.

Even if you configure the lock file in the SAP profile, you do not have to manually create the lock file. The Sun Cluster HA for SAP data service will create the lock file.

With this configuration, when you start the SAP instance, the SAP software locks the file startup_lockfile. If you start up the SAP instance outside of the Sun Cluster environment and then try to bring up SAP under the Sun Cluster environment, the Sun Cluster HA for SAP data service will attempt to start up the instance. However, because of the file-locking mechanism, this attempt will fail. The data service will log appropriate error messages in syslog.

Sun Management Center Software Upgrade

This section describes how to upgrade from Sun Management Center 2.1.1 to Sun Management Center 3.0 on a Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 configuration.

How to Upgrade Sun Management Center Software

Perform this procedure to upgrade from Sun Management Center 2.1.1 to Sun Management Center 3.0 software on a Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 configuration. For procedures to upgrade Sun Management Center on Sun Cluster 3.0 configurations, see "Sun Management Center 3.0" in the Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes Supplement.

  1. Have available the following items.

    • Sun Cluster 3.0 CD-ROM GA release or the path to the CD-ROM image. You will use the CD-ROM to reinstall the Sun Cluster module packages after you upgrade Sun Management Center software.

    • Sun Management Center 3.0 documentation.

    • Sun Management Center 3.0 and Sun Cluster module patches. See "Patches and Required Firmware Levels" for the location of patches and installation instructions.

  2. Stop any Sun Management Center processes.

    1. If the Sun Management Center console is running, exit the console.

      In the console window, select File>Exit from the menu bar.

    2. On each Sun Management Center agent machine (cluster node), stop the Sun Management Center agent process.

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a

    3. On the Sun Management Center server machine, stop the Sun Management Center server process.

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -S

  3. As superuser, remove Sun Cluster module packages from the locations listed in Table 1-4.

    You must remove all Sun Cluster module packages from all locations. Otherwise, the Sun Management Center software upgrade might fail because of package dependency problems. After you upgrade Sun Management Center software, you will reinstall these packages.

    # pkgrm module-package

    Table 1-4 Sun Cluster Module Package Removal Locations


    Package to Remove 

    Each cluster node 

    SUNWscsam, SUNWscsal

    Sun Management Center console machine 


    Sun Management Center server machine 


    Sun Management Center help server machine 


  4. Upgrade Sun Management Center software.

    Follow the upgrade procedures in your Sun Management Center 3.0 documentation.

  5. As superuser, reinstall Sun Cluster module packages to the locations listed in Table 1-5.

    For Sun Management Center 3.0, you install the help server package SUNWscshl on the console machine as well as on the help server machine. The cluster node packages are installed in Step 6.

    # cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Packages
    # pkgadd module-package

    Table 1-5 Sun Cluster Module Package Installation Locations


    Package to Install 

    Sun Management Center console machine 

    SUNWscscn, SUNWscshl

    Sun Management Center server machine 


    Sun Management Center help server machine 


  6. Apply Sun Cluster module patches and any Sun Management Center patches to each node of the cluster.

    A Sun Cluster module patch installs the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 versions of the SUNWscsam and SUNWscsal packages.

  7. Restart the Sun Management Center agent, server, and console processes on all involved machines.

    Follow procedures in "How to Start Sun Management Center" in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide.

  8. Load the Sun Cluster module.

    Follow procedures in "How to Load the Sun Cluster Module" in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide.

    If the Sun Cluster module was previously loaded, unload the module and then reload it to clear all cached alarm definitions on the server. To unload the module, from the console's Details window select Module>Unload Module.

System Administration and Procedure Updates

This section describes changes and updates to procedures that administer a cluster.

Sun Management Center GUI

The Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 1 patch for Sun Management Center enables support on the Sun Cluster module for Sun Management Center versions 2.1.1 and 3.0. This patch includes the following updates to the Sun Cluster module console.

See Sun Management Center documentation and associated online help for more information about Sun Management Center.

Known Problems

The following known problems affect the operation of the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 release. For the most current information, see the online Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes Supplement at

Bug ID 4314698

Problem Summary: After installing Solstice Disksuite software, the scgdevs(1M) command must be run for the Solstice Disksuite device links to appear in the global namespace.

Workaround: Run the scgdevs command manually to make sure that Solstice Disksuite device nodes are created.

BugId 4358349

Problem Summary: Do not create Sun Cluster HA for NFS resources in a resource group that contains a SharedAddress resource. Sun Cluster software does not support the use of SharedAddress resources with that data service.

Workaround: Add the desired logical hostname resources into the failover resource group.

You must set up a LogicalHostname resource with this step. The hostname used with Sun Cluster HA for NFS cannot be a SharedAddress resource.

# scrgadm -a -L -g resource-group-name -l hostname,...
-a -L -g resource-group-name

Specifies the failover resource group into which to place the logical hostname resources.

-l hostname,...

Specifies the network resources (logical hostnames) to be added.

Bug ID 4359321

Problem Summary: The scinstall utility enables you to specify /global as the directory name for the global devices file system. However, because the mount point for the global devices file system is /global/.devices/node@nodeid, this specification should not be enabled.

Workaround: Re-install the node using /globaldevices as the directory name for the global devices file system.

Although not preferred, fixing the entries in the /etc/vfstab files, rebooting the cluster, and then running the scgdevs command is a possible workaround. Check that each /global/.devices/node@nodeid entry in each/etc/vfstab file has the global mount option set.

Bug ID 4362925

Problem Summary:

nodeA# scshutdown -g0 -y
scshutdown: Unmount of /dev/md/sc/dsk/d30 failed: Device busy.
scshutdown: Could not unmount all PxFS filesystems.

The Networker packages were bundled and installed during the Oracle installation. Therefore, the nsrmmd daemon is running and mounting the /global/oracle directory, which prevents the unmount of all cluster file systems.

nodeA# umount /global/oracle
umount: global/oracle busy
nodeA# fuser -c /global/oracle
/global/oracle: 335co 317co 302co 273co 272co
nodeA# ps -ef|grep 335
 root 335 273 0 17:17:41 ?       0:00 /usr/sbin/nsrmmd -n 1
 root 448 397 0 17:19:37 console 0:00 grep 335

This problem occurs during Sun Cluster shutdown when the shutdown tries to unmount a cluster file system that the process nsrmmd is still referencing.

Workaround: Run the fuser(1M) command on each node to establish a list of all processes still using the cluster file systems that cannot be unmounted. Check that no Resource Group Manager resources have been restarted since the failed scshutdown(1M) command was first run. Kill all these processes with the kill -9 command. This kill list should not include any processes under the control of the Resource Group Manager. After all such processes have terminated, rerun the scshutdown command, and the shutdown should run to successful completion.

Bug ID 4369668

Problem Summary: When the system administrator edits the Nodelist property of a managed resource group, the Resource Group Manager should run the INIT method on all resources in the resource group that have the property Init_nodes=RG_PRIMARIES, on all nodes that have been added to the node list. The Resource Group Manager should run the FINI method on such resources, on nodes that were deleted from the node list.Similarly, if the Installed_nodes property of a resource type is edited, the Resource Group Manager should run the INIT or FINI method on all resources of that type that reside in managed resource groups and have the property Init_nodes=RT_installed_nodes.

Currently, the Resource Group Manager does not run INIT or FINI methods when these updates are performed. As a result, the resources might not be properly initialized or cleaned up on these nodes.

Workaround: Using the scswitch command, unmanage and then re-manage the affected resource groups. Unfortunately, this process requires that the administrator take the resource group offline. Alternatively, the administrator can run the equivalent INIT or FINI actions manually (without unmanaging the resource group), if such procedures are documented for the resource types that occur within the group.

This workaround is unnecessary if none of the resources in the group have INIT or FINI methods. The only Sun-supplied resource types that use INIT and FINI methods are:

Resource types that customers or third parties implement might also use INIT or FINI methods. If so, this workaround is necessary for resource groups that contain such resource types.

Note -

All scalable services implicitly use INIT and FINI methods, even if such methods are not explicitly declared for the resource type.

Bug ID 4370760

Problem Summary: You cannot remove the last node from a Solstice DiskSuite diskset unless you first take the device group offline.

Workaround: To remove the last node from a diskset, take the device group offline first. To remove the last node, run the following two commands as superuser from the nodeto be removed.

# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -m -D disksetname
# metaset -s disksetname -d -h nodename

Bug ID 4373911

Problem Summary: If you do the following:

The HA-NFS fault monitor might display the following warning message.

clnt_tp_create_timed of program statd failed:RPC:Program not registered

Workaround: No workaround is necessary. The warning message can safely be ignored.

BugId 4376171

Problem Summary: Placing a FC-AL SBus Card (FC100/S) and a Sun Quad FastEthernetTM 2.0 (SQFE/S) on the same SBus might cause unexpected resets on the QFE card.

Workaround: Avoid configuring cluster nodes with a FC-AL SBus Card (FC100/S) and a Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.0 (SQFE/S) on the same SBus.

Bug ID 4378553

Problem Summary: A resource group's Nodelist property is an ordered list of nodes that can master the resource group, with the most-preferred node listed first. The Resource Group Manager should always host a resource group on the most-preferred node that is available. However, when an administrator reboots the cluster (when all nodes are rebooting at once), managed resource groups might end up being mastered on nodes other than the most-preferred node. This problem occurs only upon reboot of the entire cluster.

Workaround: After rebooting the cluster, use the scswitch command to switch resource groups onto the desired nodes. The Nodelist preference order will be enforced automatically from that point onward, as long as the cluster remains up.

BugId 4396185

Problem Summary: The usage message for pnmstat returns unsupported options.

Workaround: Use the pnmstat man page to determine supported options.

BugId 4449906

Problem Summary: Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE encounters several problems, including core dump, when the Wait_for_online extension property is set to TRUE.

Workaround: Always set the Wait_for_online extension property to its default value, FALSE.

BugId 4459021

Problem Summary: Oracle installation requires the following Solaris packages: SUNWarc, SUNWbtool, SUNWhea, SUNWlibm, SUNWlibms, SUNWsprot, and SUNWtoo. These packages must be present before running the SunPlex Manager Oracle data service installation.

Workaround: Install these packages manually, as described in the Oracle documentation.

BugId 4460312

Problem Summary: The SunPlex Manager installation of Oracle does not configure tnsnames.ora on the cluster nodes. abase.

Workaround: If the cluster nodes are to be used as clients of the Oracle database, the appropriate tnsnames.ora files must be manually updated.

BugId 4461863

Problem Summary: The SunPlex Manager will not function properly if the hostname of one or more cluster nodes is multi-homed, has more than one IP address assigned to it. However, multi-homed logical addresses may be safely used for data services.

Workaround: Comment out the BindAddress line in /opt/SUNWscvw/conf/httpd.conf, and then start the server with /etc/init.d/initspm start.

BugId 4462957

Problem Summary: The following message may be encountered during initial boot of a cluster node.

cl_runtime: WARNING: Major number for driver (did) does
not match the one on other nodes.  Confirm that the /etc/name_to_major
files are in sync on all cluster nodes

Workaround: Contact your authorized Sun service provider to determine whether a workaround or patch is available.

BugId 4464476

Problem Summary: A 2.2 to 3.0 Sun Cluster upgrade for Netra machines requires the use of the -O option of scinstall (1M) during the initial phase of the upgrade. Otherwise, the Netra hardware platforms might not be recognized causing the upgrade to fail.

Workaround: Use the -O option of scinstall (1M) during the initial phase of the upgrade. This option overrides hardware checking.

BugId 4464870

Problem Summary: Calling scds_free_netaddr_list when there are more than two ports specified in the portlist causes the program to dump core.

Workaround: If you specified more than two ports in the portlist, do not call scds_free_netaddr_list to free memory allocated by scds_get_netaddr_list. This memory will be automatically reallocated when the process terminates.

Known SunPlex Manager Problems

This section discusses documentation errors you might encounter and steps to correct these problems.

SunPlex Manager

The SunPlex Manager allows you to use a limited character set to increase security. Characters that are not a part of the set are silently filtered out when HTML forms are submitted to the SunPlex Manager server. The following characters are accepted by the SunPlex Manager.


This filter will potentially cause problems in two areas.

SunPlex Manager Online Help

A note in the SunPlex Manager's online help is inaccurate. The note appears in the Oracle data service installation procedure. The correction is as follows.


Note: If no entries exist for the shmsys and semsys variables in the /etc/system file when SunPlex Manager packages are installed, default values for these variables are automatically put in the /etc/system file. The system must then be rebooted. Check Oracle installation documentation to verify that these values are appropriate for your database.


Note: If no entries exist for the shmsys and semsys variables in the /etc/system file when you install the Oracle data service, default values for these variables can be automatically put in the /etc/system file. The system must then be rebooted. Check Oracle installation documentation to verify that these values are appropriate for your database.