Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes Supplement

Bug ID 4386412

Problem Summary: Upgrade from Sun Cluster 2.2 to 3.0 fails when the shared Cluster Configuration Database (CCD) is enabled.

Workaround: For clusters using VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) only, disable shared CCD after you back up the cluster (Step 7 of the procedure "How to Shut Down the Cluster") and before you stop Sun Cluster 2.2 software (Step 8). The following procedure describes how to disable shared CCD in a Sun Cluster 2.2 configuration.

  1. From either node, create a backup copy of the shared CCD.

    # ccdadm -c backup-filename

    See the ccdadm(1M) man page for more information.

  2. On each node of the cluster, remove the shared CCD.

    # scconf clustername -S none 

  3. On each node, run the mount(1M) command to determine on which node the ccdvol is mounted.

    The ccdvol entry looks similar to the following.

    # mount
    /dev/vx/dsk/sc_dg/ccdvol        /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/ccdssa        ufs     suid,rw,largefiles,dev=27105b8  982479320

  4. Run the cksum(1) command on each node to ensure that the ccd.database file is identical on both nodes.

    # cksum ccd.database

  5. If the ccd.database files are different, from either node restore the shared CCD backup that you created in Step 1.

    # ccdadm -r backup-filename

  6. Stop the Sun Cluster 2.2 software on the node on which the ccdvol is mounted.

    # scadmin stopnode

  7. From the same node, unmount the ccdvol.

    # umount /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/ccdssa