Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes Supplement

Known Documentation Problems

This section discusses documentation errors you might encounter and steps to correct these problems. This information is in addition to known documentation problems documented in the Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes.

Release Notes

There are three URL errors in the Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes. These URLs are Sun internal URLs. These references need to be changed to refer to external sites.

Installation Guide

Do not perform Step 2 in "How to Install the Solaris Operating Environment" and in "How to Use JumpStart to Install the Solaris Operating Environment and Establish New Cluster Nodes." This instruction, which checks and corrects the value of the local-mac-address variable, occurs before Solaris software is installed and therefore does not work. Because the value of local-mac-address is set to false by default, the step is also unnecessary. Skip Step 2 when you perform either procedure.

Note -

Sun Cluster software requires that the local-mac-address variable must be set to false, and does not support changing the variable value to true.

Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Additional documentation is needed when installing Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Parallel Server using the instructions in Chapter 8, "Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Parallel Server."

In the section, "How to Install Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Parallel Server Packages," it does not describe how to set up the LUNs if you are using RAID 5 rather than VERITAS Volume Manager.

This section should state that if you are using the Sun StorEdge A3500 disk array with hardware RAID, you use the RAID Manager (RM6) software to configure the Sun StorEdge A3500 LUNs. The LUNs can be configured as raw devices on top of the /dev/did/rdsk devices.

The section should also provide an example of how to configure the LUNs when using hardware RAID. This example should include the following steps:

  1. Create LUNs on the Sun StorEdge A3500 disk array.

    Refer to the information in Appendix A, Installing and Maintaining a Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500FC System to create the LUNs.

  2. After you create the LUNs, run the format(1M) command to partition the Sun StorEdge A3500 LUNs into as many slices as you need.

    0. c0t2d0 <SUN18G cyl 7506 alt 2 hd 19 sec 248>
    1. c0t3d0 <SUN18G cyl 7506 alt 2 hd 19 sec 248>
    2. c1t5d0 <Symbios-StorEDGEA3000-0301 cyl 21541 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>
    3. c1t5d1 <Symbios-StorEDGEA3000-0301 cyl 21541 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>
    4. c2t5d0 <Symbios-StorEDGEA3000-0301 cyl 21541 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>
    5. c2t5d1 <Symbios-StorEDGEA3000-0301 cyl 21541 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>
    6. c3t4d2 <Symbios-StorEDGEA3000-0301 cyl 21541 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>

    Note -

    If you use slice 0, do not start the partition at cylinder 0.

  3. Run the scdidadm(1M) command to find the raw DID device that corresponds to the LUNs that you created in Step 1

    The following example lists output from the scdidadm -L command.

    1        phys-visa-1:/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d1
    1        phys-visa-2:/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d1
    2        phys-visa-1:/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d2
    2        phys-visa-2:/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d2
    3        phys-visa-2:/dev/rdsk/c4t4d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d3
    3        phys-visa-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t5d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d3
    4        phys-visa-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d4
    4        phys-visa-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5d0   /dev/did/rdsk/d4
    5        phys-visa-2:/dev/rdsk/c4t4d1   /dev/did/rdsk/d5
    5        phys-visa-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t5d1   /dev/did/rdsk/d5
    6        phys-visa-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5d1   /dev/did/rdsk/d6
    6        phys-visa-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5d1   /dev/did/rdsk/d6

  4. Use the raw DID device that the scdidadm output identifies to configure OPS.

    For example, the scdidadm output might identify that the raw DID device that corresponds to the Sun StorEdge A3500 LUNs is d4. In this instance, use the /dev/did/rdsk/d4sx raw device, where x is the slice number, to configure OPS.