Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 系统管理指南

5.1.2 如何添加 Cluster Transport Cable 传输适配卡或传输结点

您还可以使用 SunPlex Manager GUI 来完成此过程。有关详细信息,请参阅 SunPlex Manager 的联机帮助。

  1. 确保已安装物理 cluster transport cable。

    有关安装 cluster transport cable 的过程,请参阅《Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide》。

  2. 成为群集中任一节点的超级用户。

  3. 输入 scsetup 实用程序。

    # scsetup


  4. 通过键入 3(群集互连)来访问 "Cluster Interconnect" 菜单。

  5. 通过键入 1(添加传输电缆)来添加传输电缆。


  6. 通过键入 2(向节点添加传输适配卡)来添加传输适配卡。


  7. 通过键入 3(添加传输结点)来添加传输结点。


  8. 检验是否已添加 cluster transport cable、传输适配卡或传输结点。

    # scconf -p | grep cable
    # scconf -p | grep adapter
    # scconf -p | grep junction 示例 - 添加群集传输电缆、传输适配卡或传输结点

以下示例说明了如何使用 scsetup 命令向节点添加传输电缆、传输适配卡或传输结点。

[Ensure the physical cable is installed.]
Become superuser on any node and place the node to be removed in maintenance state.
# scsetup
Select Cluster interconnect.
Select either Add a transport cable, Add a transport adapter to a node, or Add a transport junction.
Answer the questions when prompted. 
   You Will Need:         Example:
   node names             phys-schost-1
   adapter names          qfe2
   junction names         hub2
   transport type         dlpi
[Verify that the scconf command completed successfully:]
Command completed successfully.
Quit the scsetup Cluster Interconnect Menu and Main Menu.
[Verify that the cable, adapter, and junction are added:]
# scconf -p | grep cable
  Transport cable:   phys-schost-2:qfe0@1 ethernet-1@2    Enabled
  Transport cable:   phys-schost-3:qfe0@1 ethernet-1@3    Enabled
  Transport cable:   phys-schost-1:qfe0@0 ethernet-1@1    Enabled
# scconf -p | grep adapter
  Node transport adapters:                         qfe2 hme1 qfe0
  Node transport adapter:                          qfe0
  Node transport adapters:                         qfe0 qfe2 hme1
  Node transport adapter:                          qfe0
  Node transport adapters:                         qfe0 qfe2 hme1
  Node transport adapter:                          qfe0
# scconf -p | grep junction
  Cluster transport junctions:                       hub0 hub1 hub2
  Cluster transport junction:                        hub0
  Cluster transport junction:                        hub1
  Cluster transport junction:                        hub2