Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 系统管理指南

2.2.3 如何重新引导群集节点

  1. 如果群集节点在运行 Oracle Parallel Server (OPS),则关闭所有 OPS 数据库实例。

    有关关闭过程,请参阅 Oracle Parallel Server 产品文档。

  2. 成为要关闭的群集节点上的超级用户。

  3. 使用 scswitchshutdown 两个命令关闭群集节点。

    在要关闭的节点上,输入以下命令。在 shutdown 命令中使用 -i 6 选项将使节点在关闭到 ok 提示符后重新引导。

    # scswitch -S -h nodelist
    # shutdown -g0 -y -i6



  4. 检验节点是否已正确引导并处于联机状态。

    # scstat -n 示例 - 重新引导一个群集节点

以下示例显示重新引导节点 phys-schost-1 时的控制台输出。群集中其它节点的控制台上也显示此节点的关闭和启动消息。

# scswitch -S -h phys-schost-1
# shutdown -g0 -y -i6
May 2 10:08:46 phys-schost-1 cl_runtime: WARNING: CMM monitoring disabled.
INIT: New run level: 6
The system is coming down.  Please wait.
System services are now being stopped.
Notice: rgmd is being stopped.
Notice: rpc.pmfd is being stopped.
Notice: rpc.fed is being stopped.
umount: /global/.devices/node@1 busy
umount: /global/phys-schost-1 busy
The system is down.
syncing file systems... done
Resetting ...
Sun Ultra 1 SBus (UltraSPARC 143MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 3.11, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #5932401.
Ethernet address 8:8:20:99:ab:77, Host ID: 8899ab77.
Rebooting with command: boot
Hostname: phys-schost-1
Booting as part of a cluster 
NOTICE: Node 1: attempting to join cluster
NOTICE: Node 1: joined cluster
The system is coming up.  Please wait.
The system is ready.
phys-schost-1 console login: