Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 系統管理手冊 範例 - 從磁碟裝置群組 (VxVM) 移除節點

這個範例顯示從 dg1 VxVM 磁碟裝置群組移除名為 phys-schost-4 的節點。

[Determine the disk device group for the node:]
# scstat -D
  -- Device Group Servers --
                       Device Group  Primary        Secondary
                       ------------  -------        ---------
  Device group servers: dg-schost-1  phys-schost-1  phys-schost-2
[Become superuser and execute the scsetup utility:]
# scsetup
 Select Device groups and volumes>Remove a node from a VxVM device group.
Answer the questions when prompted. 
You will need the following information.
  You Will Need:            Example:
  VxVM device group name    dg1
  node names                phys-schost-1
[Verify that the scconf command executed properly:]
scconf -r -D name=dg1,nodelist=phys-schost-4
    Command completed successfully.
Quit the scsetup Device Groups Menu and Main Menu.
[Verify that the node was removed:]
# scconf -p | grep Device
  Device group name:                 dg1
    Device group type:               VxVM
    Device group failback enabled:   no
    Device group node list:          phys-schost-3
    Device group diskset name:    	dg1